Skye Crump
Junior Editor
Some people may call Skye Crump a “nitpicker.” She supposes they wouldn’t be wrong, at least regarding works of fiction. She’s the first to notice continuity errors in TV shows or books; if you’re there with her, you’ll have the joy of hearing about it. She adores reading and watching fiction. Fantasy, horror, thriller, and adventure are her favorite genres. She loves True Blood, Charmed, early seasons of American Horror Story, Last of Us, and Vampire Diaries, along with its spin off show The Originals.
In 2017, Skye graduated with an associate degree in Business Management. Soon after, she realized that was not what she wanted to be. With the help of her sister, she discovered how much she loved the idea of being a book editor. She never thought her little nitpicking quirk could be a career. After she did some research, she was hooked.
She has a short story published in Across the Margin. Skye also contributed article in the Atlanta-Journal Constitution’s Everyday Hero’s in 2022.
Skye has a passion for editing and would love to work with you to make your novel the best version of itself.